Brazyn Life - Morph Stick

from $27.95

Quick Overview:

Length: 13 inches
Ring Diameter: 4 inches
Massage Surface: 6 inches
Customizable: Add up to 4 Massage Rings

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The Brazyn Morph Stick is a great addition to your rehab arsenal. Combined with the Morph Alpha or Bravo, this stick will get into all the nook and crannies that the morph roller can’t. Think of it like this, the Alpha or Bravo is the lawn mower, and the Morph Stick is the weed whacker that completes the rest of the job.

The Morph Stick is also compact, lightweight, and adaptable to your needs. The Base stick is used for kneading and flushing of lactic acid and other fluids that is stuck in the muscles. The massage surface is wide enough to span all your major muscle groups and is also a great for massaging sore feet as well. The rings also add more versatility to the stick. You can add 1 and up to 4 individual rings that will help work out knots and adhesions and speed up recovery. The high density foam rings are designed to target deep knots and adhesions in the tightest muscle groups.

The Morph stick also can be used as an ab roller! Just add some massage rings and you’re good to go, an ab roller and massage stick in one?!? Sounds like a no brainer.

Brazyn Life - Foam Roller
Brazyn Life - Morph Skins